
health from inside outThank you for visiting my site! May the very best of health, wealth, love and laughter be with you, your families, your communities and this world!

I’m Hugo and my mission here is to Empower, Love And Transform Everyday in order to ELATE! And I am passionate about helping to heal the current health crisis facing both people and the planet.

We face a challenge and opportunity – to bolster our own internal health system (ie our immune system) with all it needs to help us, within ourselves, to be best equipped to deal with this virus.  

We also have an opportunity to improve our own stress management strategies and the ways we look after our own mental health.

Please see my post the greatest health challenge of our time: Coronavirus. There you will find links to  posts have written with advice for dealing with this crisis such as how to boost your immune health, self-care in a time of stress and hacking happiness – food for your mood

I’m in awe of the power of plants to both heal and nourish. So here on this site you’ll also find focused nutritional information on vegetables and fruitnuts and seeds through to healing botanicals and herbs. So have a look yourself and learn what these natural foods can do for you! I’ve also included some yummy recipes too!

In addition, i’ve given some specific health tips on topics like brain health, thyroid health, digestion and how to give your liver some huggy love